Stories told by the Weeping Willow


My husband, John, took this picture of the Weeping Willow tree around the corner from our apartment.  Everytime I cross the parking lot to visit a neighbor the presence of this tree grabs my attention. It’s a sad looking tree, but it’s tough. When the wind blows and the rain falls the Weeping Willow stands.

I have a friend who reminds me of the Weeping Willow. She’s endured more than her share of hardships–but the woman continues to hang in there.She’s had loads of physical and emotional problems–more than her share–and she’s cried many tears. However, she remains standing, offering to others—like the Weeping Willow–a reminder that strength comes not in circumstances but in determination.

The Biblical Nehemiah and Paul, Oprah Winfrey and Christopher Reeves remind us of power to be found in choosing to not surrender to our suffering, but to giving ourselves to a cause–a purpose higher than our troubles.

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